Preliminary Note: In all articles and sections where the word “Member” appears, it will refer to both male and female members of the club, to make the reading of the document lighter.


1.1 The scope of this regulation will apply to visiting members and, in general, to all those who are on the premises where the LA MASIA RACEWAY radio control club conducts its activity.

1.2 From now on, the word Club will refer to LA MASIA RACEWAY.


2.1 Any person wishing to responsibly practice and promote automodelism and willing to comply with the Statutes and this Internal Regulation may apply to become a member.

2.2 Those wishing to join the Club must submit a completed membership application along with a recent photograph, either on the website or via email. Applicants under the age of 18 must have their form signed by their parent or legal guardian, who will be responsible on their behalf.

2.3 Depending on whether the membership application is for an active child member or for selected days, there will be different entry conditions, as outlined in Chapter 5. During this registration process, the corresponding payments must be made as specified in Chapter 4 and on the website.

2.4 Once the membership application has been submitted and the corresponding payments made, acceptance will be subject to approval by the property, which reserves the right of admission. The decision will be communicated to the applicant within a maximum of five working days. If no response is received within that time, the application will be considered accepted.

2.5 The data will be collected in a computer file and will only be used as a means of contact by the Board of Directors or external agents requiring it for non-commercial purposes (banks, insurance companies, sports associations or federations). Data can be rectified or deleted by submitting a request through the contact form on the website or by email to

2.6 After the membership application has been approved, a QR code will be provided, granting access to the facilities. From this moment on, the applicant will become a member of the club according to the requested and selected membership type.


3.1 These are individuals who, without being members, access the facilities beyond the public area or make temporary use of them, and must comply with the Club’s Statutes and this Internal Regulation.

3.2 If they participate in events organized by the Club, they will be required to comply only with Chapter 10 (safety rules), Chapter 11 (Organization of sports events), and the event’s specific regulations. After the event, they will adhere to this Internal Regulation as a guest.

3.3 The event organizers have full admission rights over all persons present in the facilities.


4.1 The amount of registration fees and dues will be reviewed by the Management whenever the Club’s circumstances warrant it.

4.2 The payment for registration and the approved membership fee will be annual for all members. Pilots wishing to try the tracks have the option to pay for selected day passes, which can be reserved and the entrance code obtained through the website.

4.3 Annual payments for existing members will be made by bank transfer within the month of January or for new members via the website, and a new annual code will be issued at that time. Failure to pay will disable the existing QR code, and payment must be made via the website to reactivate it. If a pilot wishes to become a member after the start of January, they may pay a proportional part of the year’s fee.

4.4 Future dues will be paid in the same way, via the website or bank transfer to the Club’s account.

4.5 If a member wishes to resign from the club early or is expelled for disciplinary reasons, there will be no right to a refund of the paid annual membership fee.


5.1 Every member will be responsible for maintaining the facilities in good condition, ensuring cleanliness, safety, and hygiene when using them, as well as enforcing these regulations for others.

5.2 The access system to the facilities is personal and non-transferable. Violation of this rule allows the management to revoke the membership of the QR code owner who granted access to a non-member pilot. In case of QR theft, it must be immediately reported to the Club via email. Access codes to the facilities cannot be copied. If a member is found to provide access to another person, they will be expelled from the Club, with the possibility of legal action and/or disqualification from future reentry.

5.3 At any time, Club members or any other person within the facilities may request another member to provide identification. A list of all active members, with names and surnames, will be posted in a restricted area accessible only to members, to verify current members if necessary.

5.4 Membership types include “Active,” “Child,” or “Selected Days.” New members will join in the form of “Active,” “Child,” or “Selected Days,” depending on their request.

5.5 Members must collaborate in the tasks developed at the Club and its facilities, helping to develop activities, care for, maintain, and/or renew the facilities.

5.6 All members, regardless of their type, will possess a QR code that opens the access system to the facilities through the outer gate.


6.1 Any member wishing to resign must complete the appropriate form on the website or via email at

6.2 Once the form has been received, the resignation will be processed and finalized.

6.3 From the moment the resignation is communicated (based on the date of the Resignation Form or Resignation Report), the member will lose their membership status and will no longer be able to use the facilities, even if they have not exhausted the current year. No refund of the remaining dues will be issued under any circumstances.


7.1 Members who have resigned and were up to date with their dues may rejoin the Club by simply completing the registration process again on the website.

7.2 Members who resigned while having outstanding dues and wish to be readmitted must settle their debts and comply with this Chapter 9.

7.3 The Board will evaluate the member’s behavior during their last membership period, and based on this assessment, will decide whether to approve or deny their re-entry.


8.1 The Club’s facilities must strictly adhere to the safety rules for practicing automodelism, as specified below, and common sense should be applied to situations not covered. During sporting events, the event’s specific rules and, in particular, Chapter 11 and its sections must also be followed.

8.2 The Management is not responsible for the negligence or accidents caused by members, their vehicles, or their equipment, nor will it be liable for theft or robbery. Entering the facilities implies accepting the risk of accidents, thereby exempting the Club and the Board of Directors from liability.

8.3 It is strictly forbidden to drive on the pit lane of the track or to pilot from there. The pit lane must remain clear of obstacles.

8.4 The use of tracks with vehicles that are unsuitable for the layout (e.g., 1/5 scale models) or that damage the track protections or cause abnormal wear and tear is not permitted.

8.5 Members should avoid practicing different types of racing in the same area at the same time to prevent accidents.

8.6 Any physical or verbal aggression by a member, or someone dependent on them, against another person within the facilities will result in permanent expulsion from the Club.

8.7 Smoking tobacco or consuming any intoxicating substances is strictly prohibited inside the facilities.

8.8 In case of an event, the rules corresponding to that event must also be followed. Similarly, intentional damage to another member’s property will result in disciplinary action.

8.9 Mechanics and/or companions are the responsibility of the member, and the member will be held accountable for their actions.

8.10 Access to the pit area, podium, and track layout is strictly prohibited to anyone who is not a member, except with express authorization. The member responsible must comply with the provisions of Chapter 3. Spectators must remain in the pit area.

8.11 During training sessions, drivers may enter the track to retrieve their vehicle, but this is done at their own risk, and they must ensure they do not obstruct other vehicles on the track.

8.12 The pit lane must remain free of obstacles, and vehicles stopped in the pit must leave enough space for others. This area will be the entry and exit point for the track, and drivers must respect the same direction of travel as on the main straight.

8.13 If a member or visitor brings a pet, the animal must be properly controlled, and the owner is responsible for all incidents involving the animal.

8.14 Members must keep the facilities clean by using trash bins. They must not leave dirty cloths, papers, drink cans, or any other type of waste on the ground or tables. They should also ensure that non-members do the same. Measures should be taken to avoid spilling fuel, oils, or exhaust fumes on the tables, and any dirt, stones, or mud should be swept up. Special care must be taken in the Club’s bathrooms, respecting the spaces designated for men and women.

8.15 It is the responsibility of all members to ensure compliance with safety and hygiene rules, drawing attention to violators and reporting them to the Board of Directors.

8.16 The Management will publish or inform members of the schedule for using the facilities. Being on the premises outside of these hours is prohibited.

8.17 Each member is responsible for ensuring that the facilities are properly locked when they leave.

8.18 Any activity outside of radio-controlled automodelism is strictly prohibited in the facilities.


9.1 Every event held at the Club will have an Organizer or an Organizing Group responsible for the facilities and equipment used, ensuring everything is left in good condition. Additionally, the Management will have the final say on all sporting decisions made during the event. Any pilot with a question or complaint must address it to the Management for resolution.

9.2 Among other events, Social Races (only for members), Open Races (open to both members and non-members), and higher-level events supported by Regional, Interregional, National, or International Associations or Federations may be organized.

9.3 Participants must possess the required license for each event, generally an AECAR license. For social and open events, at a minimum, the AECAR CLUB license is required, and JUNIOR and A licenses are also accepted. For other events, the corresponding regulations will determine which licenses are valid, but participants must always hold at least the AECAR CLUB license.

9.4 Member gatherings or races not listed on the Club calendar, or the news section of the website may not prevent other members from using the track.

9.5 The registration fee for an event will be decided by the organizing team, with the approval of the Board of Directors. The fee for members will always be less than or equal to that of non-members. The organizing team must account for all revenue and expenses, submitting documentation to the treasurer.

9.6 In case of scheduling conflicts, higher-level events will take priority, followed by those with the highest number of members in their category.

9.7 Any violation of the rules set by the organization, disobedience to their decisions, or lack of respect towards the organization will result in penalties, ranging from a time penalty to disqualification from the event, expulsion from the facilities, or even expulsion from the Club.


10.1 The Club will have one or more WhatsApp groups with the aim of fostering closer relationships between all its members. There will be a common group for everyone, and other specific groups may exist, but they must always comply with the rules established in this Internal Regulation.

10.2 The members of the Board of Directors will act as moderators of the group and may expel any member who violates the rules.

10.3 Joining the group is voluntary, and therefore, a member of the Board will ask each member if they wish to join. If they agree, any member of the Board will send them an invitation link. Through this system, the member will ultimately decide whether to join and, by doing so, will accept the group’s conditions.

10.4 A member may choose to leave the group at any time, but once they do, they will not be re-added. If they wish to rejoin, they must request it from a Board member, who will send a new invitation.

10.5 The general group is not intended for long conversations, but primarily for members to receive information directly and stay updated on Club activities and facilities. For more specific groups, relevant topics may be discussed in greater detail.

10.6 At all times, the Board members reserve the right to control access to the group, and if a member shows disrespect or engages in any type of verbal aggression, they will be immediately expelled. Additional sanctions may apply, as if the incident occurred in person.
10.7 Chain messages, unrelated images, or any other content that does not pertain to the Club are not allowed. Members posting such content will be reprimanded by the administrators, and disciplinary measures may be considered.

10.8 The group is not to be used as an advertising platform, and no promotional messages or advertisements for products are permitted. Any member who does not respect this rule will be reprimanded by the administrators, and disciplinary measures may be considered.

10.9 No member of the group may extract other members’ personal information or share it with third parties.

10.10 The administrators are not responsible for the opinions or messages posted by group members. They will ensure the group functions properly according to the criteria they deem appropriate and will enforce order when necessary.


Changes to the Internal Regulation will be made as directed by the Board.

The Club Management
